We welcome your feedback

We are committed to providing a quality service to our customers, but we also know everyone’s experience with us is different. We welcome your comments, compliments, suggestions and complaints.

Your feedback helps us improve our service

Your feedback is encouraged, welcomed and valued.

Your feedback will be acknowledged, respected and answered.

We will listen and act.

How to give feedback

Feedback can be lodged in any way including verbally, in writing or by using a feedback form – online or downloaded, printed and returned by email or post.

Making a complaint

We take complaints seriously and customers who make a complaint can do so without fear of retribution.

If you wish to make a complaint, we encourage you to raise your complaint with us first:

  • Talk to your Community Solutions team member
  • Contact our Customer Solutions Team on 1300 621 499 or email [email protected]
  • Complete the online feedback form below.

If our team are unable to resolve your complaint we encourage you to:


*View our Privacy Policy.