Breaking Down the Barrier

When Mark voiced his concern about his age preventing him from gaining employment, his mentor Tiffany at Community Solutions encouraged Mark to explore opportunities in hospitality management, given his previous experience. Together, they identified a management role as his goal, and Tiffany supported Mark in obtaining his Responsible Management of Licensed Venues (RMLV) Certificate.

With the right qualification in hand, Mark was prepared to take the next step. Tiffany worked with the Regional Service Manager to arrange an interview at the local RSL.

The Path to Success

Mark was over the moon when he received a call to attend an interview at the RSL. He visited the Community Solutions office on the way to his interview filled with anticipation and excitement. 

Following the interview, Mark was invited to return the next day for a job trial.

He aced the trial and was asked to come back that afternoon to fill out paperwork to officially begin his new job the next day.

Now, two weeks into his role at the RSL, Mark is thriving. He’s being trained in all areas of the RSL with a focus on preparing him to become a duty manager – his goal and the role he had his sights set on.

A Helpful and Supportive Mentor

Mark is grateful for the support and guidance he received along the way, especially for helping him secure the interview – his biggest hurdle.

“I would like to thank you for all your help in getting the introduction, it is the biggest barrier to employment for someone of my age.” Mark expressed.

Make Your Career Breakthrough!

Mark’s story is a great reminder that with determination, support, and the right guidance you can break down barriers, no matter your age or circumstances.

Our Workforce Australia program empowers individuals to overcome obstacles and find meaningful employment.

Are you ready to begin your own journey toward employment?

Our team is here to support you every step of the way, from training to job placement.

Contact us today to see how we can help you achieve your employment goals!

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